Thursday, August 12, 2010

XVI- Pedro Romero no habla Ingles

For me, this chapter is about Pedro Romero. At the beginning of it Jake's friend Montoya asks Jake to keep Romero from being taken over by the ambassador's people because it would ruin him as a leader. Montoya did not want him to be mixing with foreigners because they could corrupt him and his image. he wants him to stay with his own people. However, later in the chapter Montoya sees Romero sitting and drinking with Jake and his friends and he is very displeased. I think that he sees any foreign influence on Romero as a poison because he might be influenced more by money and power other than the love of the sport. In the end though, Romero is shown to know English pretty well. I think this shows that while is is the leader of the people, he is not as innocent as everyone believes him to be and can be influenced strongly. He says that none of his people can know about his English because it would ruin his standing with the people and he says "Bull fighters are not like that." I think it means that the bull fighters are supposed to be pure and good models for the common people. A bull fighter who knows English would be denying his people and his homeland.

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