Wednesday, August 11, 2010

XIV- Light On, Light Off

"There is no reason why because it is dark you should look at things differently from when it is light." There are a couple of things I would like to point out from this chapter and maybe it is because I really have something here, or because I'm a smart-Alec (something my mom calls me), or even because I procrastinated and am finishing this blog while visiting family in Pennsylvania. I really don't know, but I'll say what I think anyway because this is my blog. first off, I would like to point out that when Jake was thinking this, he was extremely hung over and feeling pretty sorry for himself because Brett is not with him, but with Cohn, then Mike. Second, most of the time you cannot see anything in the dark unless you are a cat or a superhero and the things you do see are fuzzy and more blob-like. So, you can look at things in the dark and in the light the same if you really want to, but in the light everything is so much clearer. Also, light usually means day and that usually means not drunk, so everything is usually clearer anyway. I believe Jake is starting to pine for Brett just like Cohn and that is why he is acting so messed up. I think that when he finally learns that everything is really clearer in the light, he will feel much better and have a better understanding.


  1. Personally, I saw this in a different light (lol, how punny). I think what Jake is trying to convey is that one has to be open to all standpoints of an idea or thing. In this case, I think he is talking about Brett; he seems to be saying that unlike the other men, Jake not only sees the beauty and passion of Brett of the night but also sees her independence, fickle nature of the day and loves her anyways. Jake is trying to say that to truly love Brett, they must love all of her, not just the attention from her.
