Wednesday, November 17, 2010

"Once Upon a Time" fairytales?

This story was really disturbing. I spent a lot of this story confused, but I think I might have gotten it in the end. The child was influence by a fairytale, a children's story, the same type that the author was asked to write. I think that this story is denouncing fantasies by showing the horror that it created. However, I do not think that it was the fantasy that caused the problems for the child. I think it was the fence in the first place. Children are inherently curious and put up a big wall and children will play on it; I probably would have. The fairytale just adds to the fact that children play and there is reasons for safely locks on cabinets and locks on doors. However, there is also some precautions that do more harm than good, like the fence. The fairytale is the means to evil thing that happened, but I do not think it was the cause. I also was wondering if the boy actually died in the story and I also wondered what would happen to the fence if he did die. Would it be destroyed? Or, would the children be WARNED to stay away from it even more?

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