Wednesday, November 17, 2010

"Miss Brill" Lonely Hearts

This story really made me sad. I could not help but feel sorry for Miss Brill who seems to be very lonely and isolated. She is an English woman living in France, so she has a nationality boundary, especially since the English and the French don't really like each other. She is also unmarried, which shows that she is also alone in that regard. The poor woman spends her weekends watching people, never apart of conversations and pretending to be an actress. I think that she tries to fit in any way possible and tries to make herself noticeable. The animal fur suggests that she is apart of a different generation, especially from the young lovers at the end. Miss Brill seems excited to wear that one item that she has always regarded as "fashionable," but in the end, her fur is made fun of and she is too. That showed that Miss Brill is even more isolated and the boy said "who wants her here at all?" Miss Brill hears this and it is the absolute form of isolation.

1 comment:

  1. the fur is important in a few ways, but I had never thought of how it identifies a generational gap....nice catch!
