Wednesday, November 10, 2010

"Bartleby the Scrivener"

First off, I thought this was an extremely hard and strange story to read. The characters are weird and the whole story is weird, but I'll attempt to make sense of these characters. The speaker, the Lawyer, spends a lot of time telling the audience about his other scriveners and gives us details that some would never think off or would think are strange. The speaker seems to have a strange fascination with people. Bryan Cary said a brilliant thing today in our small groups that I will have to give him credit for. He noticed that the audience could tell what time of day it was by the dialogue in the story. Sometimes Turkey would be perfectly coherent, and Nippers would be crazy, and visa versa. Also, I don't know why the Lawyer would not find normal people to work for him, instead of one who suffers from indigestion half the time and one who is drunk half the time. Finally, to Bartleby. I don't know if my explanation is again, out of the cone of meaning, but I had a feeling that he was suffering from a mental issue of some kind like autism, depression, etc. The very practiced and constant answer "I would prefer not to," plus his lack of social skills and precise writing technique makes me think he was autistic. That characterization makes me sad because if I am in the ball park, Bartleby died (at least I thought he did) because nobody understood. The characterization of each of the characters pushed the story along and the quirkiness of the other employees caused Bartleby's personality to stick out even more.

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