Saturday, July 31, 2010

The Title Is the Theme... whoa

I think the theme of the Sun Also Rises is that well, the sun also rises. In this novel, the characters have been hit with some pretty horrible things. Robert Cohn is connected to a girl he only partially love because he is afraid no one will except her, and then he falls in love with Brett. Jake Barnes, the author, has a bullet wound that plagues him even after the war and he cannot be with his love, Brett. Frances loves Cohn and wants to marry him but he sends her away. These are only a few of the characters whose lives have become miserable. So, I think the theme is that while the characters have had some pretty cruddy lives, all hope seems lost, the sun has set, and they are is a dark patch, the sun will rise and the characters will be able to finally move on to new and better things. Also, while I feel sorry for the characters and their unfortunate events, I thinks a lot of their pain was brought on by their unwillingness to move and their affinity of being drunk 99% of the time. I do hope, though, that in their "story world" they found happiness.

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