Thursday, September 23, 2010

next of course god america i

This poem was really overwhelming for me because of the lack of significant punctuation and the speed at which you read the poem. After class discussion though, I felt like I really understood what the poem is about. A lot of Americans go through the patriotic motions but really do not feel or know what they are saying. It has become mindless, the Pledge of Allegiance, and something I don't even have to think about. This is what the speaker is warning against and what he is angry about. I think he is posing the question, "Do we really know or care?" With this satirical piece, he is calling the audience to action and to take pride in their country. The identity of quoted speaker is never really said, but I think that it is a person just like the rest of us. He talk fast in a jumble of nonsense at first, but then starts to form actual coherent thoughts toward the end. I think that he is unsure and doesn't want the attention on him, but is trying to figure out patriotism. His last couple thoughts really strike a cord, especially the one on the soldiers. This poem is trying to help the common people figure it out just like the speaker is trying to.

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