Thursday, September 16, 2010

"I Taste a Liquor Never Been Brewed" (she was an interesting one)

This poem was the hardest for me because I have never really gotten Emily Dickinson before. I take poems to literal so I thought the speaker was just a drunk who was explaining how it felt. I did not understand until the small group discussion that the speaker was drunk on nature and it made the poem beautiful, but still confusing to me. The speaker uses a lot of nature imagery to describe this intoxication as beautiful and real like the fox gloves and butterflies. I think that the speaker is so overcome by the beauty that she cannot describe it other than totally taken over by nature. However, I was confused by the seemingly random entrance of the Seraphs and Saints because they have nothing to do with nature. I think that it possibly might have to do with the Saints and Seraphs blessing her love of nature and watching over her as she takes in the world. The "leaning against the sun!" is actually the only part in the poem that before the small group led me to believe that nature has something to do with the poem. The sun is a lamp post and I think the speaker is standing outside, taking in everything and taking in nature.

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