Thursday, August 12, 2010

XVIII- The Symbol of the Bull

I think the bulls are symbols in the novel because Pedro Romero says that the bulls are his best friends and he kills them because they'll kill him if he doesn't. This is interesting to me because it almost seems like it is mirroring the relationships between our group of characters. They never seem to be in good terms with each other, but yet they are still friends. Also, from studying bullfighting in Spanish class, I learned that the bulls are seen as extremely noble creatures that stay and fight instead of running away. In early Spanish culture they were revered and even worshipped. So, I think that Hemingway is an aficionado of bullfighting himself and wanted to incorporate the honor that is seen as in Spanish culture into his novel to set almost a standard for the changing world. I also researched Belmonte and found that he is considered to be the most famous matador of all time. I think that when Hemingway said that the crowd was against Belmonte, it means that they have abandoned the old way and are now ready to start anew after the war. Bullfighting is used as a symbol to convey truths about the time to his readers.


  1. that kinda struck me as strange when I read it, the whole "the bulls are my friends, but I kill them" thing. I think it's kinda true in everyone's circle of friends though. I mean, your friends know you better than just about anyone, but at the same time, if something goes wrong in a friendship you could really be in some deep trouble because they know so much.

    it's a careful balance. such is life.

  2. I hadn't looked at it that way. It's an interesting idea. I was very confused about the constant conflict between characters. They were supposed to be friends but they were constantly irritated and arguing. The bull symbol definitely helps :)

  3. I like your take on the symbolism of the bulls...I think your idea was a bit better than my idea, anyway. I found your connection to the Lost Generation and abandoning the old way rather interesting, as well. Yet wasn't Pedro praised for his traditionalist way of fighting? I think that the crowd booing Belmonte is symbolic that perhaps the Lost Generation still wants things to return to the way they were (hence Pedro's old-fashioned style), but they seek a new leader to bring normalcy.

  4. if it represents the characters, who's the bull? who's the bull fighter? who's the steer?
